Saturday 29 March 2014

Summer in Canberra, Leeton and Kiama

We spent time over our Christmas/New Year break in Canberra with the Parsons family (ALWAYS busy and a bit wild!), New Year with friends in Leeton (a few wild moments there, too!!), and a few days relaxing by the ocean at Kiama.  All in all a very busy few weeks, but great to see people!

It's always great to see our family when we come back to Australia. A second Christmas with the Parsons family in Canberra was, as expected, busy and fun!!

New Year was perfect - a fun evening at the Yanco Hotel with good friends.

We love these guys!!!!  Thanks for having us, Cathy and Matt.

After a couple more days in Canberra with my parents, we drove to Gosford for Isaac and Jacqui's wedding....

Sydney for Rachael's farewell (she's gone to Belgium for a year)......

then Kiama for a few days......

Relaxing on the deck - Alice's friends from Korea, Shea and Sara, joined us for a night - fun!!

Beach babes!

Building the stumps for beach cricket.... as you do...

It wouldn't be summer at the beach without beach cricket!


Two of my favourites!!

....and the evening entertainment is.....

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