Saturday 29 March 2014

AUSTRALIA DAY - Korean style!

Australia Day in Korea is generally cold and snowy, but this year was quite different.  It was cool (OK....we still had our big jackets on, so it was cold - below 0), but we managed to celebrate in style!

We started the day with a pancake breakfast, sharing it with Yuyu from Japan, who was staying with us for a basketball tournament at KIS (Alice's school).

Then we had quite a few of the Australians from KIS over for an "Australian" lunch - meat pies, pavlova, the lot!!

Barry entertains the kids!!!

The aftermath.....

The cricket match on the local basketball court was a highlight!

Kwancho demonstrates the style..... 
Bazza tried to pretend it was Summer.....
for a while.....

The kids cheering from  "The Hill"

It's so nice to get together with the Aussies and be understood, just for a little while.....  Thanks for a great day!!!

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