Thursday 16 May 2013

We made it to Spring..... again

After an interminable Winter, Spring has once again arrived in South Korea, and it is SO worth the wait!!!  This is my favourite time of year, by a long way, partly because we are tired of the cold, but also because this place is so pretty at this time of year.  It isn't hot and humid yet, so that's a bonus.

Here are some of the pretty places around where we live:

This path runs just below our apartment building, along the creek.

Our creek.

Koreans love statues, and this is a particularly cute one - note the doves on top of the tree.

That's me giving a 'cute' Korean look for the photo!

Along the creek near our home.
The gardens and playground in our apartment complex.

That's our building in the background.
Right near our bus stop.

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