Sunday 19 May 2013

Seoul Forest

Last weekend Russell and I ventured to Seoul Forest, for a relaxing walk around the grounds.  I would call this a park rather than a forest, and one of the nicest parks I've seen anywhere!!!  The weather was perfect, the shade was abundant, and many Seoulites were out enjoying Spring. There were people just strolling, bikes for hire, and a lot of groups kicking soccer balls or throwing frisbees.  Here are a few photos from our day:

As with everywhere in Korea, there were plenty of sculptures, some of them very interesting!!!

The bushes behind the azaleas are 'snowball bushes' - just like my Mum had!

Kids can climb in this one!

This sculpture has the word for "love" carved in it, in 95 different languages!!!

Russ trying to work out where he is....... 
One of the entrances - the pansies are particularly nice this year!

While we were wandering, we bought coffee (of course) at a lovely coffee shop.  The posters on the walls were very interesting, and gave us a chuckle.  Here's two of them:

In case you can't read this one, it says: "Caffeine isn't a drug, It's a vitamin"..... hehe


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, Michelle - next time we may get there...... You packed a lot into your week, I'd just like to do a few things with you!!!
