Saturday 8 November 2014

July 2014 - Japan with Hayden and Alice

Hayden's third visit to Korea was low key and relaxed.  We went across to Japan for a few days, and visited Hiroshima, Miyajima and Kyoto.

For me, Hiroshima was the highlight, particularly the Peace Park, with many memorials to the victims of the A bombing of the city in 1945.  The memorials and museum in the park have an emphasis on remembering the victims, and focusing on the human cost of the bombing.  It was an amazing experience!

Alice and Hayden pretending to work out where we're going
and what we're doing.......

Our first meal in Hiroshima
At the Hiroshima Peace Memorial (A Bomb dome).
The Memorial gardens and museum were a
highlight of our trip!

At Miyajima - a beautiful island just south of Hiroshima.

This just gave me a chuckle...

Kyoto - full of history and beautiful buildings.

We saw a number of carriages like this on trains.

This was an amazing introduction to Japan for me, and certainly has inspired me to visit again one day.

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