Tuesday 1 May 2012

May.... and Spring has finally arrived!!!  With temperatures now consistently in the 20s we are wearing short sleeves and have the apartment windows open.  It's lovely having fresh air through the place and hearing the sounds from around the area - teenagers playing basketball on the courts below us, families walking and talking and playing along the pathways, even the buses and workmen are great sounds that now fill our days.

Cherry blossoms were beautiful, but didn't last when a few windy, rainy days came.  We enjoyed them while they were here.

Now we are being absolutely spoilt with the colours that are coming out.  Around us there is a multitude of azaleas - Mum Parsons and Mum Reinke would be very impressed!!!! A great range of colours too!


Pansies fill pots everywhere!!!  There were minivans  and trucks that drove around, and about 12 people would jump out, plant the pots, jump back in the van and head off to the next set of pots - this must happen in every city right across the country.  It's very labour intensive, but worth it!!

The grounds in our apartment complex are really lovely too.

This is our building.

I've taken a few photos out our apartment window, and you may be interested in the change as time goes on.  It's lovely to watch!

February 2012
March 2012
May 2012

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