Wednesday 14 March 2012

Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon was built in the late 1700s.  In the last few years it has been restored, with most completed, and is an amazing place.  It is in the middle of the city and life goes on around it, but it is quite majestic and beautiful.


Last Friday Alice had a pupil-free day at school, so we went over to Suwon, which is about 25km south-west of where we live.  This is the city where Russell works, so we met him for lunch, then wandered almost half way around the fortress wall.  They have lots gaps in the wall where soldiers could shoot guns, arrows or spears,  and a number of 'gates',  structures where soldiers were stationed at vantage points around the wall.

There was a croquet club just inside the wall at one point, which was unexpected, but fun to watch for a little while.  And there is a large area where they demonstrate Korea Traditional Archery.

And they even have their own "Lion's Train"!!!!  Well..... a Dragon Train, really.....

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